Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crocheted-top Hanging Kitchen Towels

Crocheted-top Hanging Kitchen Towels

A set of these cute kitchen hand towels is nice to have hanging in a convenience place in your kitchen:
on a drawer or cupboard, oven door or refrigerator handle.
They will save you lots of paper towels and will not fall on the floor like a regular towel.
To get started, choose some towels that coordinate with your kitchen (or a friend's),
pick some matching 4-ply yarn and get busy. You will have a set done in no time.
This is a fast project!

You will need: 1 dishcloth (will make two hanging towels)
Worsted weight yarn
Size 1 crochet hook
Size F crochet hook
Needle & thread

At the ironing board, fold dishcloth in two, press and cut on fold.
Press in about ¼ inch along the cut edges.
Optional: At the sewing machine, sew about 1/8 inch from folded edge to prevent fraying.

Row 1: Using the smaller size 1 hook, poking through folded edge of dishcloth,
 sc approx. ¼ inch apart.
 (With the smaller hook, you should be able to poke through the towel.
 If necessary, you can use an awl or large needle to make the holes.)

Row 2: Change to the size F hook. Ch 2, turn, dc in every sc across.

Row 3: Ch 2, turn, dc in next dc, * skip 1 dc, dc in next two dc, repeat from * across.
(2 dc, skip one)

Row 4: Ch 2, turn, dc in next dc, * skip 1 dc, dc in next 2 dc, skip 1 dc, dc in next dc, repeat from * across.
(1 dc, skip one, 2 dc, skip one)

Row 5: Ch 2, turn, *dc in next dc, skip 1 dc, repeat from * across.
(1 dc, skip one)

Row 6: Count the number of dc, including the ch 2 turn. For remaining work, you will need 10 dc.
Determine how many decreased are needed. For this row, decrease by skipping a dc evenly spaced
and dc in rest of the dc across to end with 10 dc, including the ch 2 turning stitch.

Row 7 - 16: Ch 2, turn, dc across – for 10 rows.

Row 17: Ch 1, sc in next 3 dc, ch 2 and skip 2 dc, sc in remaining 4 dc.
(the ch 2 will form the button hole).
Row 18: Turn, (no ch before turning). Working across last row to form a decorative edge:
Sc, hdc, dc, 2 tr in the 2 ch button hole space, dc, hdc, sc, slip stitch.
Cut yarn, weave in ends.

Fold over the crocheted top, sew button at 2nd row under button hole. Press with warm iron and steam.
Hang on your oven door, drawer handle or refrigerator handle, or give as a gift.
(This set is going to my mother-in-law for her birthday.)